Results for query event based probe message
event based probe data includes event based probe data elements and event based probe messages
NOTE 1 to entry An algorithm in the vehicle constantly processes sensor readings and determines if a specific event has occurred. An event based probe data message is sent only when a specific incident or event occurs. It is not transmitted in a periodic manner. The transmission of an event based probe message itself indicates that an event has occurred An event based probe message is defined as a probe message that is not triggered by a periodic occurring condition (i.e. time or distance). It is typically triggered after a defined event has occurred or an event has been detected by the vehicle on board system (i.e. low visibility or traffic jam entry). An event may be defined as simple as a change in status of a standard probe data element (i.e. fog light switching state) or can refer to a complex incident detected by a detection algorithm (i.e. traffic jam entry).